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Kryptopterus macrocephalus - Striped glass catfishMagyarul / Hungarian
Kryptopterus macrocephalus - Striped glass catfishKryptopterus macrocephalus - Striped glass catfishKryptopterus macrocephalus - Striped glass catfishKryptopterus macrocephalus - Striped glass catfish
  • Scientific name: Kryptopterus macrocephalus
  • Synonyms: Cryptopterus macrocephalus, Kryptopterichthys macrocephalus
  • Common name: Striped glass catfish
  • Group: Catfishes
  • Habitat: Asia; Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and parts of Indonesia.
  • Size: 9-10 cm
  • Biotope: Found in very acidic peat swamps and blackwater streams, usually occurs in shady spots.
  • Social behavior: A peaceful schooling fish. Can be kept with medium sized Rasboras and Gouramis in a community tank.
  • Diet: Omnivorous; will accept most live, frozen and dried foods.
  • Breeding: Has not been bred in aquarium.
  • Tank: Minimum 90 litres
  • Population: 5-6 fish for 120 litres
  • Decoration: In a biotope setup use dried leaves and additional peat as substrate. They can also be kept in a planted tank, with a dense vegetation and driftwood as hiding places. Use dim lighting.
  • Temperature: 22-27 °C
  • pH: 4-7
  • Hardness: 0-10 NK°
  • Lifespan: 6-8 years

Description: The Striped glass catfish can be easily distinguished from the Glass Catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhis), by its striped or a mottled pattern, and smaller size. Kryptopterus macrocephalus has no dorsal fin. When stationary, the fish’s tail is downward, when moving, the fish is horizontal.

Males have strong serrations on the posterior edge of the pectoral spine, while females are thicker-bodied than males. There are no reports of Striped glass catfish breeding the in aquarium.

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