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Gymnotus pedanopterus - Zebra KnifefishMagyarul / Hungarian
Gymnotus pedanopterus - Zebra KnifefishGymnotus pedanopterus - Zebra KnifefishGymnotus pedanopterus - Zebra Knifefish
  • Scientific name: Gymnotus pedanopterus
  • Synonyms: -
  • Common name: Zebra Knifefish
  • Group: Other fishes
  • Habitat: South America; Venezuela and Brazil
  • Size: 28 cm
  • Biotope: Inhabits in slow-flowing or still waters, but also found in the deeper parts of large rivers.
  • Social behavior: Very territorial with conspecifics, and would need a huge tank to keep more than one fish. Any small fish in the tank will be eaten, but can be kept with large sized, peaceful species.
  • Diet: Carnivorous; it feeds on live and frozen foods such as prawns, earthworms, mussels and small fish. Usually dried foods will not be taken.
  • Breeding: It has not been bred in captivity.
  • Tank: Minimum 200 litres
  • Population: 1 fish for 300 litres
  • Decoration: Large aquarium with floating plants, that diffuse the light, and the fish usually become more active. They also need a lot of hiding places from stones and roots.
  • Temperature: 22-28 °C
  • pH: 6-7
  • Hardness: 2-12 NK°
  • Lifespan: 15 years

Description: The Zebra Knifefish has one of the most beautiful pattern among knifefishes, unfortunately it is very rare and therefore its price is very high. Wild caught knifefish often carry parasites so it is best to quarantine them. Zebra Knifefish has more rounded than flat body with small scales. Its mouth is turned upwards. Gymnotus pedanopterus has no dorsal fin but does have an extremely long anal fin starting near the pectoral fin, wherewith it can swim quickly. As their name suggest, they have a zebra pattern with dark and light clean edged bands extending along the entire length of the body. They also have poor vision, so to compensate the poor eyesight they have an organ that generate a very weak electric field around their body. This field helps them to navigate, find food and also to communicate with conspecifics. They are nocturnal fish, and wild caught specimens are very shy for a couple of weeks, they are even refuse to eat. Zebra Knifefish are very sensitive to polluted water, so weekly 30-50% water changes should be done. Knifefish may also sensitive to some fish medications such as copper.

Sexual differences are unknown. There are no information about their breeding habits.

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