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Hygrophila polysperma - Dwarf hygrophilaMagyarul / Hungarian
Hygrophila polysperma - Dwarf hygrophilaHygrophila polysperma - Dwarf hygrophilaHygrophila polysperma - Dwarf hygrophila
  • Scientific name: Hygrophila polysperma
  • Common name: Dwarf hygrophila
  • Family: Acanthaceae
  • Group: Aquarium plants
  • Max height: 25-40 cm
  • Distribution: Southeast Asia, India
  • Habitat: Rivers and slow-moving streams
  • Substrate: Iron-rich, fine substrate.
  • Placement in aquarium: Background
  • Lighting needs: Bright
  • Temperature: 18-30°C
  • pH: 5-9
  • Hardness: 5-20NK°

Description: Hygrophila polysperma is an extremely modest and recommendable aquarium plant, which will tolerate conditions under which many other aquarium plants will succumb. The leaves are shorter (4 cm) and narrower (1 cm) than H. stricta and H. corymbosa and sport a light green, somethimes reddish-brown color. It grows well in soft water with temperatures between 22 to 28 °C. Under intensive lighting, conspicuously strong shoot apexes will form. In poorly illuminated aquariums, it can be clearly noticed that the plants will still grow normally, but that growth is slower, the shoots remain smaller and are therefore less decorative in appearance. When it reaches toward the surface, the leaves become red and compact. The substrate quite obviously plays only a subordinate role in the plants' nutrition. An additional CO2 fertilization will generally support growth in aquariums, but is not required for this species. The shoots have to be trimmed every 2-4 weeks due to their rapid growth. Reproduction occurs through lateral shoots. Hygrophila polysperma is especially suitable for the first-time planting of new aquariums. Flower formation only occurs very rarely in emersed shoots.

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