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Heros severus - Banded cichlidMagyarul / Hungarian
Heros severus - Banded cichlidHeros severus - Banded cichlidHeros severus - Banded cichlidHeros severus - Banded cichlidHeros severus - Banded cichlid
  • Scientific name: Heros severus
  • Synonyms: Cichlasoma severum (Heckel, 1840)
  • Common name: Banded cichlid
  • Group: Cichlids
  • Distribution: South America; Colombia, Venezuela: Orinoco River basin; Brazil: Amazon River basin, Rio Negro basin
  • Size: 15-20 cm
  • Biotope: Found in extremely acidic blackwater habitats with very low pH and conductivity.
  • Social behavior: A territorial, but fairly peaceful cichlid. They can be kept with other larger peaceful cichlids, but they may eat the small fishes.
  • Diet: Omnivorous; In nature they eat plants, algae, and insects, while in aquarium they will take all kinds of live, frozen and dried foods. Occassionally give them some peas or zucchini.
  • Breeding: Quite easy
  • Tank: Minimum 250 litres
  • Population: 1 pair for 350 litres
  • Decoration: Prefers a densely planted aquarium with rocks and roots that make some hiding places for the fish. Also place some flat rocks to the tank that the fish can use as spawning sites. Use small gravel or sandy bottom.
  • Temperature: 23-29 °C
  • pH: 5.0-6.5
  • Hardness: 4.0-15.0 dGH
  • Lifespan: 10-10 years
Description: The real Heros severus is rarely found in the aquarium trade, most of the time the more common Heros efasciatus can be obtained instead. Heros severus was first identified in 1840, but has been misidentified for many years and was thought to be a mouth brooder cichlid. Originally in 1840 the severus was defined as having a partially formed 7th band, but the identification was dismissed as an anomaly in the collected fish. In 2015 the true Heros severus was discovered and had the telltale partial 7th band that was described in 1840, this was known for a short time has Heros sp.'Curare' until officially named as the true severus. The mouthbrooder who previously was thought to be Heros severus was classified as Heros liberifer (Staeck & Schindler, 2015). Because of its body shape and ease of keep this fish is often reffered as the poor man's discus. Banded cichlid has an oval, laterally compressed body with large red eyes and small mouth. Their coloration depends on the origin of the fish. Usually the back and the head is greenish, the body is golden-brown and the chest is reddish. Small maroon to reddish spots scattered over gill cover, lower region of head and anterior sides of body. There are 8 or 7 vertical dark bars on its body (as some sources refer to its midbody bars as 5-anterior and 5-posterior), which are more pronounced on the juveniles and generally fade as the the fish ages into maturity. There is no separate caudal spot, only a dark band. The band that runs from the anal fin is shortened, commonly reaching only to the lower or at the most to the upper lateral line. There is also a captive bred Golden color morph, where the bands are very washed out and most fish lack them entirely, and the whole body and the eyes are yellow in color. A quite hardy fish, that become somewhat frendly to its owner and even can be hand fed.

Males have more pointed anal and dorsal fins. The females have only a few blue markings on the head and gill cover, or entirely lack these markings, and they are also smaller than males.

If we want to breed them, the best method is to buy a small group, and let them pair up. For optimal breeding conditions maintain the water at a total hardness of 2-6 dGH° with low pH and a temperature between 27-30° C to increase the egg's hatching rate. The male will darken and intensify its colors during courtship and breeding. The female will lay the eggs on previously cleaned flat surfaces. Both parents take care of the eggs and the fry. The number of the eggs is usually 200, but larger females can lay up to 1000 eggs at a time. The eggs hatch in 2-4 days and the larvae become free-swimming after another 3-4 days. Usually the female takes care of the fry, while the male defends the territory. They can be fed with small live foods or powdered flake foods. The parents will care for them for up to 6 weeks.

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