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Corydoras melini - False bandit coryMagyarul / Hungarian
Corydoras melini - False bandit coryCorydoras melini - False bandit coryCorydoras melini - False bandit cory
  • Scientific name: Corydoras melini
  • Common name: False bandit cory
  • Group: Catfishes
  • Habitat: South America; Brazil
  • Size: 5 cm
  • Biotope: Upper Negro and Meta River basins.
  • Social behavior: Very peaceful community fish, should be kept together with other peaceful fishes.
  • Diet: Omnivorous, aquatic insects, white worms, Tubifex , Brine Shrimp, insect larvae, tablets, flake; plenty of vegetable matter: sinking algae wafers
  • Breeding: Easy
  • Tank: Minimum 60 litres
  • Population: 6 fish for 80 litres
  • Decoration: Sand or small gravel substrate and the aquarium should be planted densely on the sides and background.
  • Temperature: 22-26°C
  • pH: 6-7
  • Hardness: 1-15 NK°
  • Lifespan: 5 years

Description: Typical Corydoras in shape, the False Bandit Cory has a pale cream body with some light speckling. There is a black band over the eyes and a second black band running from the dorsal (including the dorsal fin) diagonally to the base of the caudal fin. These fish are most active at night, so feeding once before lights out is typically enough. Though they can easily be persuaded to feed during the day. Since they are slower eaters they should be allowed at least 30 minutes to consume their food. Try to keep Corydoras melini in groups as they are far more confident and active in the presence of conspecifics.

Upon reaching maturity the females will be larger and plumper than the males, males are smaller in length than females also. For breeding the False bandit cory do a 40-50% waterchange with aged water which should reduce the watertemperature 5 degrees or more. It's always better to have a higher ratio of males to females when breeding corys and 2 males per female is recommended. This fish will lay its sticky eggs on plants or the tank glass, the female will only produce 2-4 eggs at a time to be fertilized. This process will be repeated until approx. 100 eggs have been laid. The eggs hatch in 3-5 days. When the young fishes are swimming free you can raise them with very fine infusoria and some days later with Artemia-nauplii.

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