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Gasteropelecus maculatus - Spotted hatchetfishMagyarul / Hungarian
Gasteropelecus maculatus - Spotted hatchetfishGasteropelecus maculatus - Spotted hatchetfishGasteropelecus maculatus - Spotted hatchetfishGasteropelecus maculatus - Spotted hatchetfish
  • Scientific name: Gasteropelecus maculatus
  • Common name: Spotted hatchetfish
  • Synonyms: Thoracocharax magdalenae, Thoracocharax maculatus
  • Group: Characins
  • Habitat: South America; Suriname, Panama, Venezuela, Columbia
  • Size: 9 cm
  • Biotope: Stagnant lakes, ponds, and swamps.
  • Social behavior: Peaceful schooling fish for the upper water layers. May chase fry but can be combined with larger characins.
  • Diet: Omnivorous, flake foods, bloodworms and insects such as black mosquito larvae.
  • Breeding: Very hard
  • Tank: Minimum 110 litres
  • Population: 5-6 fishes for 110 litres
  • Decoration: The fish like to jump. We suggest a large, shallow tank with plenty of space between the surface of the water and the cover. Surface plants are suggested. The fish needs a lot of oxygen so use a filter which agitates the surface.
  • Temperature: 23-28°C
  • pH: 6-7
  • Hardness: 6-15 NK°
  • Lifespan: 3-5 years

Description: The Spotted hatchetfish has a convex body. The ventral fins are very small and the back is fairly straight. The wing-like pectoral fins are transparent and often measure up to one-half the fish's overall body length. The coloration is silver and the back is olive brown.Small black spots cover the body. Since the species is a schooling fish five or more should be kept in a tank. Females are plumper during spawning season.

When the animals are fed well the aquarium should be darkened. The water should be soft and acid. The eggs are laid between the roots of floating plants and fertilized.  The eggs fall to the bottom. After spawning the parents should be removed.  After 30 hours the eggs hatch and after 5 days the young fishes are swimming free.  You should feed them very fine infusoria. After 7 days you can give them Artemia-nauplii.

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