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Vittina waigiensis - Red racer Nerite snailMagyarul / Hungarian
Vittina waigiensis - Red racer Nerite snailVittina waigiensis - Red racer Nerite snailVittina waigiensis - Red racer Nerite snailVittina waigiensis - Red racer Nerite snail
  • Scientific name: Vittina waigiensis
  • Synonyms: Neritina waigiensis (Lesson, 1831)
  • Common name: Red racer Nerite snail
  • Group: Invertebrates
  • Distribution: Southeast Asia; Indonesia, Philippines
  • Size: 2-3 cm
  • Biotope: Found in shallow rivers, estuaries, and mangrove swamps. Endemic to freshwater and brackish habitats.
  • Social behavior: Peaceful, can be kept with other species.
  • Diet: Omnivorous; In nature they feed on decaying vegetation and algae, in the aquarium they eat all kinds of fishfoods and plant matter.
  • Breeding: Not possible in freshwater.
  • Tank: Minimum 30 litres
  • Population: 3-4 snail for 30 litres
  • Decoration: Densely planted aquarium with river sand bottom.
  • Temperature: 22-31 °C
  • pH: 6.5-8.0
  • Hardness: 10.0-25.0 dGH
  • Lifespan: 2-4 years
Description: Vittina waigiensis are some of the most beautiful aquatic snails in the world, but they are extremely rare and hardly seen in the aquatic hobby. The Red racer Nerite snail have a truly striking and beautiful shell pattern: the amount of red base color varies from nearly fully red to orange or yellow with red stripes, with small black markings, that form tire-track like encircling stripes. They are unique in their patterns that decorate their shell, from zig zags to lighting bolt looking patterns. The body of the snail is grey with black stripes. Although they were officially described in 1831, they have only been exported to Europe for the aquarium trade since 2015. As all of them are wild caught, the tip of the shell is often broken. These snails are great algae eaters, and they do not harm the healthy vegetation, therefore Red racer snails are a good choice for planted tanks. They will eat brown, and green algae too. The water should be moderately hard and alkaline to allow for healthy shell development, because in softer water, where the calcium concentration will be lower, the snails will be very prone deterioration of the shell. Their aquarium must be covered, as they are excellent escape artists, but it is best to maintain a water line slightly lower than the lid to allow them to move in and out of the water.

These snails are not hermaphrodites and there are no obvious external differences between sexes.

Red racer snails are unable to breed in freshwater conditions, which can be a blessing to some as they will not over-populate the tank. They lay eggs, which require full marine conditions to develop through their complex stages. These snails often lay large numbers of small, white calciferous capsules in freshwater aquaria, these will not always hatch, and if they do, the larvae will not survive for very long.

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