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Taxiphyllum barbieri - Java mossMagyarul / Hungarian
Taxiphyllum barbieri - Java mossTaxiphyllum barbieri - Java mossTaxiphyllum barbieri - Java moss
  • Scientific name: Taxiphyllum barbieri
  • Synonym: Vesicularia dubyana, Hypnum dubyanum
  • Common name: Java moss
  • Family: Amblystegiaceae
  • Group: Aquarium plants
  • Max height: The leaves are 10-14 mm long
  • Distribution: Southeast Asia, India
  • Habitat: Grows in dry and moist places on the ground, on tree trunks and rocks, often on banks of periodically flooded rivers.
  • Substrate: Rocks, wood
  • Placement in aquarium:The moss will attach to any hard surface and spread in all directions.
  • Lighting needs: Undemanding
  • Temperature: 20-28 °C
  • pH: 5-8
  • Hardness: 2-15 NK°

Description: Java moss is an adaptable and versatile aquarium plant. Vesicularia dubyana forms tangled masses of intensively branched stems clothed with small leaves, light to dark green in colour depending on the lighting intensity. It can be used as a foreground plant among the bases of larger stem plants, be attached to rocks or wood, or simply be left to its own devices. Regular trimming will help to keep it in shape. It has no special requirements, although liquid fertilization does increase the growth rate. Java moss can be used in coldwater aquariums and is ideal for breeding tanks. Java moss is very useful for softening the harsh effect of tank furnishing. In the wild this species is often found growing in association with Microsorium pteropus. To propagate simply pull clumps from the parent mass and attach them to their new location with a rubber band or by placing small pebble on top. The filaments, or hyphae, soon become attached by means of rootlike structures known as hapterons.

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