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Nomaphila stricta - Giant hygrophilaMagyarul / Hungarian
Nomaphila stricta - Giant hygrophilaNomaphila stricta - Giant hygrophilaNomaphila stricta - Giant hygrophila
  • Scientific name: Nomaphila stricta
  • Common name: Giant hygrophila
  • Family: Acanthaceae
  • Group: Aquarium plants
  • Max height: 45 cm
  • Distribution: Southeast Asia
  • Habitat: Marshy areas, shallow waters
  • Substrate: Rich
  • Placement in aquarium: Background to middleground
  • Lighting needs: Bright
  • Temperature: 20-28°C
  • pH: 5-7
  • Hardness: 2-15NK°

Description: Giant hygrophila is a large herbaceous plant that inhabits marshy areas. It has both emersed and submersed growth patterns. Underwater, the thick green stems bear opposite, broad lanceolate leaves with pointed tips and long petioles. They reach a length of 12 cm and a width of 4 cm and are bright green in colour. Specimens grown out of water become woody, with more rounded leaves that may be almost purple in colour. The flowers are bright blue and sweetly scented. There is much confusion between Nomaphila and Hygrophila. In aquarium group three or four stems in close proximity for the best effect. An undemanding plant that likes a rich substrate and good illumination. Ensure that the aquarium is completely free from snails; they appear to relish this species.

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