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Myriophyllum tuberculatum - Red myriophyllumMagyarul / Hungarian
Myriophyllum tuberculatum - Red myriophyllumMyriophyllum tuberculatum - Red myriophyllumMyriophyllum tuberculatum - Red myriophyllum
  • Scientific name: Myriophyllum tuberculatum
  • Synonym: Myriophyllum mattogros-sense
  • Common name: Red myriophyllum
  • Family: Halorrhagaceae
  • Group: Aquarium plants
  • Max height: 60 cm
  • Distribution: South America, Brazil
  • Habitat: On the edges of waterways in shallow, stagnant water
  • Substrate: Sand
  • Placement in aquarium: Background to middleground
  • Planting density: 5-6 plants for 20 cm2
  • Lighting needs: Very bright
  • Temperature: 22-27°C
  • pH: 6,5-7
  • Hardness: 3-6 NK°
Description: The stem and leaves of this plant vary between brown and red, depending on various aquarium conditions. The color is highly unusual among common aquarium plants, making this plant a popular choice in planted displays. The fine, feathery leaves require clean, well-filtered water; any debris and/or algae will clog them and stop the photosynthesizing. Strong lighting is essential for this plant. It seems to be a typical soft-water plant which desperately needs carbon dioxide for proper growth. Best growth results are achieved in water deficient in calcium and salt, with a pH-value in the weak acid range. Do not plant individual stems too close together, otherwise ligh may not reach the lower leaves. The Red myriophyllum will spread across the surface and produce side shoots. Iron-rich fertilizers will improve growth. Cultivation is recommended only in almost algae-free aquariums with clear water, since both decaying rot as well as blue or filamentous algae will suffocate the shoots within a short time. Propagation through lateral shoots is unproblematic. They are sensitive to cold temperatures, not hardy.