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Eichhornia crassipes - Water hyacinthMagyarul / Hungarian
Eichhornia crassipes - Water hyacinthEichhornia crassipes - Water hyacinthEichhornia crassipes - Water hyacinth
  • Scientific name: Eichhornia crassipes
  • Synonym: Pontederia crassipes
  • Common name: Water hyacinth
  • Family: Pontederiaceae
  • Group: Aquarium plants
  • Max height: 50 cm
  • Distribution: South America , Brazil
  • Habitat: Originally in the Amazon, but now worldwide
  • Substrate: -
  • Placement in aquarium: Floating
  • Lighting needs: Bright, Very bright
  • Temperature: 20-33°C
  • pH: 6,5-7,5
  • Hardness: 1-12,5NK°

Description: This potentially large floating plant can be kept in an open-top aquarium with reasonably bright lighting. The leaves are thick and waxy in appearance and may reach up to 15 cm in length. The plant will spread rapidly and needs regular thinning. Water hyacinth is usually sold as a pond plant and does well in colder climates during the summer, but will die off during winter.

This floating plant is only suitable for cultivation in aquariums if it is subjected to intense lighting and sufficient high space with humid, slightly circulated air between the water surface, and cover are provided The species requires nutritious water. Cultivation in open aquariums is recommended, where care should be taken that the leaves are not burnt by lamps. If E. crassipes is placed in a garden pond during summer, magnificent inflorescences with numerous bright violet flowers will develop under conditions of warmth and light. Winter survival is best achieved in a bright and cool location. Even under good cultivation conditions, this species will usually reach only a fraction of the size attained by plants resident in native habitats. In natural waters, this species will often develop such large populations that they pose a problem for ship navigation.

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