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Mastacembelus ellipsifer - Tanganyikan Spiny EelMagyarul / Hungarian
Mastacembelus ellipsifer - Tanganyikan Spiny EelMastacembelus ellipsifer - Tanganyikan Spiny EelMastacembelus ellipsifer - Tanganyikan Spiny EelMastacembelus ellipsifer - Tanganyikan Spiny Eel
  • Scientific name: Mastacembelus ellipsifer
  • Synonyms: Afromastacembelus ellipsifer, Aethiomastacembelus ellipsifer
  • Common name: Tanganyikan Spiny Eel
  • Group: Other fishes
  • Habitat: Africa; endemic to Lake Tanganyika
  • Size: 45 cm
  • Biotope: Found around the shores of the lake, among the rocks, where the substrate is sandy.
  • Social behavior: Peaceful with larger tankmates, but will eat smaller fishes. Sometimes territorial with conspecifics.
  • Diet: Carnivorous; all type of live foods. In nature they eat small fishes, but in the aquarium they accept frozen foods too.
  • Breeding: Has not been bred in aquarium.
  • Tank: Minimum 200 litres
  • Population: 5-6 fish for 280 litres
  • Decoration: Use sandy substrate, and make many hiding places, using piles of rocks. Gravel is not recommended as its sharp edges can damage the eel's skin. The water current shouldn't be too strong, and dim lighting is preferable.
  • Temperature: 23-27°C
  • pH: 8-9,5
  • Hardness: 8-25NK°
  • Lifespan: 8-12 years

Description: Tanganyikan Spiny Eel is a nocturnal predator, the fish spends much of it's time burrowed in the substrate. They get their common name from their dorsal fin-rays, which are very hard. Their base colour is brownish-beige with ring shaped dark brown pattern on their back. They have a typical Spiny Eel shape with a long snout.

The swim bladder in these eels has also disappeared completely, because of their bottom-dwlling lifestyle. It's not possible to visually sex this fish.