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Trichopodus trichopterus - Three-spot gouramiMagyarul / Hungarian
Trichopodus trichopterus - Three-spot gouramiTrichopodus trichopterus - Three-spot gouramiTrichopodus trichopterus - Three-spot gouramiTrichopodus trichopterus - Three-spot gouramiTrichopodus trichopterus - Three-spot gourami
  • Scientific name: Trichopodus trichopterus
  • Synonyms: Labrus trichopterus, Osphromenus insulatus, Osphromenus siamensis, Stethochaetus biguttatus, Trichopodus trichopterus, Trichopus trichopterus
  • Common name: Opaline Gourami, Three spot Gourami, Blue Gourami
  • Group: Labyrinth fishes
  • Habitat: Southeast-Asia
  • Size: 13-15 cm
  • Biotope: Found near the shore in areas with vegetation or underneath floating plants in standing or slow moving water.
  • Social behavior: A peaceful fish ideal for a community tank. Do not combine with aggressive fish, like cichlids. Occasionally a male may attack a female during spawning season. If this occurs, remove one of the fish.
  • Diet: Live, Tubifex, insects, insect larvae, crustaceans, hydra, flakes, pellets, chopped spinach and lettuce.
  • Breeding: This prolific species is easily bred when a suitable pair is found
  • Tank: Minimum 120 litres
  • Population: 1 male and 2 females for 120 litres
  • Decoration: Arrange the tank in dark colors with a cover of floating plants. The tank should be well-planted along the edges, and an open swimming area should be left in the center. Provide a retreat for each fish.
  • Temperature: 24-28°C
  • pH: 6-8
  • Hardness: 5-19 NK°
  • Lifespan: 4-8 years

Description: There are many different color variations of the Opaline Gourami, in fact the Opaline is a color variant of the Blue Gourami. All of the varieties do share some common color characteristics and I will list them here. The dark spots located at the pectoral fins and at the base of the tail fin are almost always visible on all variantsas well as the White spots peppered along the edges of all the fins. It would be hard to list all the color variants so the best bet is to look at the overall form and pictures of the deferent varieties.

A hardy fish that will adapt to many conditions. Keep them in pairs and the fish will display to each other and show off their best colors. Keep in a planted community aquarium with many plants including floating varieties. Provide hiding places for the female. Tank mates should be slower moving peaceful species and generally no barbs or other fin nippers that will make short work of the fins and feeler threads. Provide good filtration with a slow water flow (like from a spraybar) so as not to disturb any Bubblenest. They are Omnivorous and will take live, flake, frozen as well as vegetable based food.

Typical Bubble nest builder, where a large nest is constructed below floating or among plants. The nest and fry are maintained and guarded by the male. The spawning tank should have a small depth of water about six inches and have no circulation and contain many floating plants. The male and a few females should be placed in the tank until the male chooses his mate then other females should then be removed. Once the female has laid her eggs she should be removed. The eggs will hatch in about a day and will become free swimming in five, at this point they should be fed on newly hatched Brine shrimp and transferred a rearing tank.

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