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Brachydanio nigrofasciata - Dwarf Spotted DanioMagyarul / Hungarian
Brachydanio nigrofasciata - Dwarf Spotted DanioBrachydanio nigrofasciata - Dwarf Spotted DanioBrachydanio nigrofasciata - Dwarf Spotted DanioBrachydanio nigrofasciata - Dwarf Spotted Danio
  • Scientific name: Brachydanio nigrofasciata
  • Synonyms: Danio nigrofasciatus, Barilius nigrofasciatus, Brachydanio nigrofasciatus, Danio analipunctatus
  • Common name: Dwarf Spotted Danio
  • Group: Cyprinids
  • Habitat: Asia; Central Myanmar (Burma)
  • Size: 3-4 cm
  • Biotope: Inhabits in streams, small rivers, ponds and rice paddies, which become partially dried out in the dry season.
  • Social behavior: A very peaceful schooling fish, but not ideal for a community tank, as they are timid, and small. It is best to keep with similar sized fish or in a species-only aquarium.
  • Diet: Omnivorous; in nature they mainly eat insects and insect larvae. In the aquarium they accept everything: live, frozen and flake foods too.
  • Breeding: Quite easy
  • Tank: Minimum 40 litres
  • Population: 8-10 fish for 60 litres
  • Decoration: They deserve a heavily-planted tank with a dark substrate. Decorate the aquarium with some bogwood. Water-flow can be strong. Cover their tank, as they are good jumpers.
  • Temperature: 18-26 °C
  • pH: 6.5-7
  • Hardness: 5-12 NK°
  • Lifespan: 2-5 years

Description: Dwarf Spotted Danios have a silver belly area, and there is a white line running horizontally down the middle of the flanks, bordered with bluish-black lines. Their back is more brownish. There are small black spots on the belly area, sometimes blending with the black line which is underneath the white line. Danio nigrofasciatus are most easily distinguished from similar-looking species by the spotted anal fin. The male has a light brown edging on the underside of its anal fin. The fin will also have a golden tint seen best as the light catches it. Female has only a lighter fin edging without the two-color effect. In their natural habitat they live in small rivers which are heavily affected by seasonal monsoons. So in the hot season from November to April the water level is low and the water can get quite hot, while in the rainy season from May to September the water is cooler with a higher water level. The Spotted Danio is a tropical fish that can take cooler temperatures than the typical tropical fish.

Dwarf Spotted Danios are egg-scatteres. It is possible that a small numbers of fry survive in a densely planted community tank, but it is best to spawn them in a separated, 10-20 litres aquarium. Fill up the tank to the half with 25-26 °C water, and use dim lighting. Add some java moss or spawning grid to the breeding tank, to protect the eggs. A slightly acidic water with a small water-flow in the full length of the tank is advisable, so an internal power filter should be added to the tank. Place the fish to the breeding tank in the evening, and they should spawn in the following morning. Spawning can be initiated by adding small amounts of cool water every few hours. The number of the eggs are usually between 20 to 50. After spawning the parents should be removed, otherwise they will eat the eggs. After spawning change the power filter to a sponge filter to avoid fry being sucked into the filter. Incubation is temperature-dependant, and the eggs hatch after 24-36 hours, and become free-swimming after a few days. Feed the young fish with infusoria or Artemia nauplii.

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