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Tropheus moorii - Blunthead cichlidMagyarul / Hungarian
Tropheus moorii - Blunthead cichlidTropheus moorii - Blunthead cichlidTropheus moorii - Blunthead cichlid
  • Scientific name: Tropheus moorii
  • Synonyms: Tropheus moorii moorii
  • Common name: Blunthead cichlid
  • Group: Cichlids
  • Habitat: Eastern Africa, Lake Tanganyika
  • Size: 13-14,5 cm.
  • Biotope: Inhabits over shallow rocky areas.
  • Social behavior: A territorial fish, intolerant and aggressive with its own kind, but it is relatively peaceful towards other species.
  • Diet: Omnivorous; Algae and vegetable matter should be their main diet, but they will accept most live and frozen foods. Avoid beef heart, Tubifex worms, and red mosquito larvae as these foods will quickly result in intestinal disorders.
  • Breeding: Quite hard
  • Tank: Minimum 500 litres
  • Population: 30-35 fish for 650 litres
  • Decoration: Use a set-up with rock formations that reach the surface of the water. Provide many hiding places including caves, crevices, over-hangs, and tunnels. Use sand as substrate. Use strong lighting to increase the growth of algae.
  • Temperature: 23-27 °C
  • pH: 8-9.5
  • Hardness: 8-25 NK°
  • Lifespan: 8-10 years

Description: For the first look the population data might be shocking, but many Tropheus breeder agree, that this is the perfect combination, because in this situation the agression between the fish is minimal. Of course it is possible to keep 1 male with 2-3 females, or a group of 10-15 fish, but in the long run this might be the best.

Tropheus moorii exists in over 50 geographical morphs, some of which have truly stunning colouration. Obviously, these shouldn’t be mixed in aquaria, as they will hybridise. Characteristically a high-backed, laterally compressed cichlid with a fan-shaped caudal fin.

The sexes are hard to distinguish. The genital papillae of the male is slender and comes to a point, while the female has rounded genital papillae. It is best to purchase 20-30 young fish and allow them to grow on together. Wild caught fish are far more delicate, aggressive and expensive, so try to obtain tank-bred fish. For 1 male keep 6-10 females, and to keep more than one male in the same tank, each should have around 2 feet of territory with rock piles, that they can defend. The fish, once established, may spawn frequently dropping 5-10 eggs in open water. The female quickly takes the eggs into her mouth. After collecting the eggs, she swims to the genital area of the male where the eggs are fertilized. The eggs are large, 0.8 cm in diameter, and are incubated for a period of 3-4 weeks before releasing the free swimming fry. The female continues to feed while caring the eggs, which may explain the loss of brood often experienced by some keepers. It is not recommended to move away the female from the colony during this incubation period as she will lose her position in the pecking order of the group, and may be viciously attacked when she is returned. The young are hardy and fast-growing when fed on a diet of Artemia nauplii, Cyclops nauplii, and fine dry foods.