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Scobinancistrus aureatus - L-14 catfish, Sunshine plecoMagyarul / Hungarian
Scobinancistrus aureatus - L-14 catfish, Sunshine plecoScobinancistrus aureatus - L-14 catfish, Sunshine plecoScobinancistrus aureatus - L-14 catfish, Sunshine plecoScobinancistrus aureatus - L-14 catfish, Sunshine pleco
  • Scientific name: Scobinancistrus aureatus
  • Common name: L-14 catfish, Sun suckercat, Sunshine pleco
  • Group: Catfishes
  • Habitat: South America; Brazil
  • Size: 35 cm
  • Biotope: In the Rio Xingu
  • Social behavior: Juveniles are peaceful towards conspecifics. Adults are territorial, but aggressions are moderate.
  • Diet: Omnivorous; Sinking pellets and frozen bloodworm are ideal
  • Breeding: It has not been successfully bred in aquarium.
  • Tank: Minimum 400 litres
  • Population: 1 fish for 400 litres
  • Decoration: Include roots in the decor. Sandy or small pea-shaped gravel with groups of rounded stones and few or no plants best reproduces this fishes natural habitat.
  • Temperature: 23-28 °C
  • pH: 6-7.5
  • Hardness: 5-19NK°
  • Lifespan: 8-10 years

Description: The scientific name aureatus refers to the golden color. Younger fish have a striking coloration, including full gold colored dorsal and caudal fins. Adults are more faded in color, while the gold shade on the fins gives way to the normal pattern and ends up as a thick line at the top and end part of the dorsal and caudal fins. Large specimens in particular require a gigantic aquarium and clean, well-filtered, oxigen-rich water. When first introduced to the tank, it may stay hidden in the daytime, but after a few weeks it will emerge.

Males have very elongated odontodes on their first pectoral spines. Males grow larger than females. The snout of the males is more squared as opposed to the rounder snout of females. Expected life span is 8-10 years.

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