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Mystus tengara - Tengara CatfishMagyarul / Hungarian
Mystus tengara - Tengara CatfishMystus tengara - Tengara CatfishMystus tengara - Tengara CatfishMystus tengara - Tengara CatfishMystus tengara - Tengara Catfish
  • Scientific name: Mystus tengara
  • Synonyms: Pimelodus tengara, Macrones tengara
  • Common name: Tengara Catfish, Guinea Catfish, Pyjama Catfish
  • Group: Catfishes
  • Habitat: Asia; Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar and India
  • Size: 8 cm
  • Biotope: Inhabits slow-flowing rivers and standing waters.
  • Social behavior: A peaceful, shoaling species that should be kept in a small group of at least 4 individuals. Best kept with other small, peaceful fishes.
  • Diet: Omnivorous; It will take live, frozen and dried foods too.
  • Breeding: It is not possible in aquarium.
  • Tank: Minimum 100 litres
  • Population: 4 fish for 150 litres
  • Decoration: Prefers a heavily planted tank with little or no current. Provide plenty of driftwood as hiding places.
  • Temperature: 20-27 °C
  • pH: 6-7
  • Hardness:2-25 NK°
  • Lifespan: 3-5 years

Description: Tengara Catfish has a light brown body coloration on top that turning dull yellow on sides. Its body has four parallel longitudinal, brown stripes on each side, and there is a dark shoulder spot behind the gill cover. There are four pairs of barbels on its head. On the top of its head there is also a visible furrow, which lasts to the end of the head (it is much shorter on Mystus vittatus). Caudal fin is forked, and the upper lobe is longer than the lower. Since its description in 1822 Mystus tengara has been discussed as being very similar to or perhaps a junior synonym of Mystus vittatus. If the drawings of both species are correct in the description Mystus tengara has a longer lower adipose fin, and its body stripes are also paler than Mystus vittatus. The first rays of pectoral fins and dorsal fin have turned into a strong spine, and the fish uses them as a defensive organ which can done a very painful injure to a regardless aquarists.

Males have an elongate genital papilla in front of the anal fin, while females have fuller bodies. The genus is known to be egg scatterers and the adults may eat the eggs if they are not separated. There are some observations that cold water changes may initiate spawning, but still there are no successful breeding reports of Mystus tengara.

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